Zoning Lot Certifications

Zoning Lot Certificate

At Gold Coast Title, our Zoning Lot Certification Service is designed to provide property owners, developers, and investors with official documentation confirming the zoning status and development rights of a property. This service is essential for ensuring compliance with local zoning regulations and for facilitating real estate transactions and development projects.

Service Features:

  • Zoning Analysis: We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the property’s zoning classification, identifying permissible uses, development restrictions, and any applicable zoning overlays or special districts.
  • Lot Merger and Apportionment: Our team reviews the history of the property to determine if any lot mergers or apportionments have occurred, which may impact the development rights and zoning requirements.
  • Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Calculation: We calculate the allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for the property, providing crucial information for planning and development purposes.
  • Document Preparation: We prepare and submit the necessary documentation to obtain an official Zoning Lot Certification from the relevant municipal authorities, confirming the property’s zoning status and development rights.
  • Expert Consultation: Our experienced professionals are available to offer guidance and answer any questions regarding the zoning analysis and certification process, ensuring a clear understanding of the property’s potential.


  • Secure official documentation confirming the property’s zoning status and development rights, essential for real estate transactions and development planning.
  • Ensure compliance with local zoning regulations, reducing the risk of legal challenges or delays in development projects.
  • Make informed decisions based on a comprehensive analysis of the property’s zoning classification and development potential.

For more information or to request our Zoning Lot Certification Service, please contact Gold Coast Title at (631)545-0020.