Single and Separate Searches

Our Single and Separate Search Service is designed to provide clarity on the legal status of a property in terms of its subdivision and zoning compliance. This service is essential for developers, investors, and property owners who need to verify that a property is legally distinct and separate from adjacent parcels.

Service Features:

  • Subdivision Verification: We conduct a thorough investigation to verify that the property has been legally subdivided and is recognized as a separate parcel by local authorities.
  • Zoning Compliance: Our team assesses the property’s compliance with local zoning regulations, ensuring that it meets the requirements for its intended use and development.
  • Historical Analysis: We provide a detailed historical analysis of the property’s subdivision and zoning status, identifying any potential issues that may impact its legal standing as a single and separate entity.
  • Document Retrieval: We retrieve and provide copies of relevant documents, such as subdivision maps, zoning certificates, and other official records that support the property’s single and separate status.
  • Expert Consultation: Our experienced professionals are available to offer guidance and answer any questions regarding the implications of the single and separate search results for the property’s development and use.

trade on the go!


  • Ensure that the property is legally recognized as a separate parcel, avoiding potential complications in development or sale.
  • Verify compliance with local zoning regulations, reducing the risk of legal challenges or enforcement actions.
  • Make informed decisions based on a clear understanding of the property’s legal status and development potential.

For more information or to request our Single and Separate Search Service in the state of New York or in Long Island, please contact Gold Coast Title at (631)545-0020.